The Images in the “Horizon” series, are based on a pure photo-chemical process,
and emerge as a consequence of the encounter between light and chemistry. They
are subject-less and objectless and transpire without a camera or the photographic
eye, which is a fundamental negation of the essence of photography.
In the “Horizons" series, I depart from standard dark-room practice by partially submerging photographic papers in developing chemicals, while exposing them to daylight for several hours or days. As the chemicals are absorbed, the developer penetrates the paper and leaves a trace image. The color and the shape of each
image varies from page to page, as a result of seasons of the year, of climate
changes and weather conditions. During the process, I lose control and abandon
the outcome to chance.
When hung side-by-side, the colors and shapes create the illusion of a continuous horizon line, comparable to the 19th-century landscape tradition.